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June 12, 2008


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have a great time and hope your flight is on time........

Peg from Australia

I just love these stitcheries....17 year olds and party sounds so good....


Adorable stitcheries. Enjoy your trip.


They are lovely... think I will take a closer look at this pattern..;D
And do I know what you mean...!! Sure do...vaccum...that is sure something brewing there...! Have a nice trip!


I am also doing this quilt a bit differently. Only doing a few verses and putting them on the front to make it bigger. Have 19 left to do!!! So what did your 17 year old want?? Cathyxx


oh how I laughed out loud at the vaccumin story - my daughter will be just the same. Glad you love our 2 shops in Ballarat - me too! Have a good holiday in Old Sydney Town


Your blocks look very nice. They will be ideal to work on when travelling.

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